to play,
to play.
Music has amplified and intensified our joyfulness every day since we began
playing. And we’ve seen the same delight in our students since we began teaching. We started The Ear Academy in 2020 to spread that joy, and to enrich people’s lives through music.
Knowing that the benefits of music go beyond the pure pleasure of listening
and playing, we wanted to make outstanding music education more inclusive
and accessible.
We cater for primary, secondary and online schools, well-resourced and
under-resourced schools, specialist and non-specialist music teachers,
young pupils who’ve never touched an instrument and older students
who are already accomplished.
Making music education sing (and rock, and pop...)
Our vision
To build a world-class music education platform that enables schools globally to offer exceptional music education.

Our mission
To revolutionise music education by delivering innovative, high-quality instruction that offers comprehensive, holistic learning experiences in both classroom and instrumental settings.

The most rounded, grounded music education around.
We set out to encompass more of music’s magic.
So we curated and crafted the best of what we’ve learned over decades of collective music education. Then we added what
we felt was missing.
We also did what centuries-old wisdom previously couldn’t:
use tech to help teach, putting it all together in a way that’s innovative and immersive.
Blending the academic with the artistic and the fun with the functional, we’ve also ensured that teachers have all the resources, guidance and support they need to help their students learn more completely, and play more confidently.